CALL 0414 586 272



Newcastle Powerlines are rural extension specialists. Our experienced team are qualified for rural high & low voltage power pole extensions for your property or business. Newcastle Powerlines are able to upgrade rural property power lines, provide maintenance of cross arms, point of attachments and replacement of wood blocks.


Ausgrid Defects & Essential Energy Defects

As the property owner, you are responsible for booking inspections and maintenance of all privately-owned power poles and powerlines – those between the first point of connection on your property to the switchboard or meter and those that extend into your property.

If you have received a defect notice on your private power pole from Ausgrid or Essential Energy call Newcastle Powerlines to get the issue fixed.

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Ausgrid Defects & Essential Energy Defects

As the property owner, you are responsible for booking inspections and maintenance of all privately-owned power poles and powerlines – those between the first point of connection on your property to the switchboard or meter and those that extend into your property.

If you have received a defect notice on your private power pole from Ausgrid or Essential Energy call Newcastle Powerlines to get the issue fixed.

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There are 4 categories of Level 2 ASP work and Newcastle Powerlines are qualified to perform them all.

We provide essential electrical maintenance to all customers!

CALL 0414 586 272